Headquarters of Europartners S.r.l.
We are proposing and applying the “reduction-reuse-cycle” principle to the supporting tools and materials in the Europartners’ offices.
We are searching for new headquarters that meet the minimum energy performance standards and aim to a net positive result.
Missions Europartners S.r.l.
We are assessing which transport carriers have the lower emission calculations to accomplish our work expeditions, despite the potential high price in economic or time terms.
We are furthermore implementing the video conference meetings.
For business travels covering less than 500 km of distance, the use of the train will be mandatory.
We are planning to finance projects related to environmental issues, through self-taxation measures, to compensate for the unavoidable trip emissions. Europartners S.r.l. has been conducting for years a similar action with “Zero Impact WEB”.
Zero Emission
Europartners S.r.l. is aiming to improve internal communication, motivation and awareness.
We are supporting and facilitating teleworking, part-time and flexible working hours, also to achieve an optimization of school-work travels. Europartners. S.r.l. has this approach as a founding element since the date of its establishment. The inherent needs in child care represent another cornerstone of our implementation plan.