Analysis and strategies for Companies, Public Administration, The Third Sector

Start-ups are the new business model on which public administrations want to invest, but it is increasingly difficult to understand, in such a crowded scenario, which are the ones on which to bet. Equip is our answer: a hybridization tool that brings together a team (consisting of an accounting and finance expert, a marketing consultant and a human resources expert) able to evaluate and select the best start-ups to finance. The multiplicity of skills allows the development of a final report that defines go/no-go to funding, highlighting potential areas for improvement.

Deep, is the tool we use to understand territorial scenarios: by combining the information available in public databases, statistical analysis, monitoring of online conversations through keywords and geotagging, Deep allows you to adequately read the territorial scenario where the specific group of subjects identified as a target linked to the specific theme to be analyzed moves. It is through Deep that we have developed a strategy, useful to political and administrative decision-makers, aimed at a more effective fight against racism: the identification of the areas in Italy where acts of racism are most frequent, implies a deeper knowledge of the phenomenon and the possibility of developing actions aimed at countering hatred towards minorities.

The European Parliament is divided into several thematic committees. The relevant decisions have effects on the territory in the order of 6-8 months. These decisions change strategies and investments to the subjects who act in the various territorial contexts. Through specific reports, customized according to customer needs, the most interesting elements are reported with references to MepS. This activity is connected with supporting analysis through the DEEP tool and direct actions for meetings and events on the issues considered fundamental by our customers.

The evaluation service through the insertion of answers in our software created to support the tool. The service has always been used to help PMs of complex projects to verify project trends. At the base of the entries there are criteria and indicators shared with the PM. The tool produces automatic reports with also approaches to solving various critical issues, to be shared with the PM and in some cases also with the whole partnership.

Tenders represent one of the great opportunities for those who want to try their hand at the European market. The European Union itself invests heavily in this form of supply, making available about 2 billion euros a year (equal to 17% of its GDP) for the purchase of the most disparate goods and services. Despite the attractive opportunity, the participation in tenders by Italian subjects is relatively low compared to the potential. Through Tenderblade, proprietary software, we are able to extract relevant data from TED, the official journal of the European Union, and define for our customers a final report with highlighted the best opportunities and the approach with which to face them.

In today’s constantly moving competitive environment, large organizations must invest in their human capital, but it is not easy to assess the effectiveness of training plans. The tool we have available for an ad hoc evaluation in this type of situation is Pivot, which thanks to dedicated software allows a qualitative-quantitative analysis to verify the adequacy of the resources invested and to trace the specific areas of improvement.

One of the main challenges of any organization is to attract more funding for its projects. We offer S3M Funding, a winning combination of desk analysis, dedicated software and project management. Through our analysis, we are able to identify the client’s strengths and strategically combine them with the financing opportunities present in the market. The aim is to open up to the customer a new market, or more markets.